Thursday, 22 November 2012

Essential Kit No.1…

I'm going to post periodic reviews or recommendations on items of kit and equipment that I think are useful, well designed or just plain useful. This won't always cover camera equipment and as I'm mostly interested in landscape photography, could well cover all manner of things that I  find really useful or work really well when you're out in the field.

So, here's my first recommendation - an essential basic item with a myriad of uses…

Essential Kit No. 1 – Black Bin Bag

I'm starting basic with this one - it's a design classic! We all use them – mostly for the intended purpose, but when you're out in the middle of nowhere, it's the one item that can make things way easier in so many ways. The first time I planned a trip out to get some misty dawn images, a bin bag was one item that would have really helped. My kit got all wet, everything I put down got wet, my knees got filthy - it all got emotional!

• Use it to but your kit down on the ground – it will stop your camera bag getting wet and dirty – if you're on a beach, it'll stop sand getting into everything and that's a bad thing!

• Use it as a seat or put it down under one knee when you need to kneel for a  low angle. You can split the bag and lay on it if you want to be shooting up at trees.

• Use it as a bag liner in the event of a downpour – I have one ready so I can just stuff the whole camera in and back into my rucksack. Nothing murders camera equipment faster than water.

• At the end of the day – bag up all your crap in it and bin it – leave nothing but memories. If I'm shooting on a beach from now on, I'm going to start bagging up a sack of the plastic crap at the end of my session, that gets washed up – I'm no tree hugger, but if we all did that it'd have a real impact. (just making a note to self - latex gloves!)

In an emergency you can tear 3 holes in it and make a waterproof coat or use it as a style free useful hat. Take 2 and use them inside your boots if it all goes a bit Bear Grylls. I have a couple in my bag as extra padding so nothing rattles – it's as useful as your camera! And way cheaper!!

I'll be dropping these posts in randomly as and when, so keep an eye out for them. If it's useful, regardless of cost - I'll be putting you on it!

All the best - keep snapping

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