Thursday, 31 January 2013

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

…This is definitely a "mission possible"!

I was recently pointed towards a great social networking/portfolio site for photographers and would like to share it with you (part 1).

This is a great social tool for photographers of all levels of experience. If you have a portfolio of images, then why not show them off - I'm sure you're proud of your best images and they deserve to be seen by as many people as possible. Unlike throwing up a facebook or google+ page though, this is a site predominantly used by other photographers, so their opinions of your work are far more valid and informed than those of your family and friends (who'll love your work regardless).

A basic account is free, and you'll get 2 weeks upgrade to the "awesome" account features as an introductory offer. You can upload your images (full size high res jpegs) right away and start building your profile. These are them available for viewing by other users - and here's how the profile building part comes in.

All images on the site are viewable by other users and you're invited to post a comment and click "like" or set an image as a "favourite". This feedback then adds to your images rating calculated from views, likes and favourites and ranks it with the other site content, so if you post a really popular image, it will be viewed on the first page. As new images are uploaded, they're sorted into the "fresh" listing and there's also an "editor's choice" chart. The content form other users covers every subject you could want, so whatever interests you - there's a place for it! There is some really stunning work on display from users all over the world - I've found it inspirational and I'm sure you will too. In addition, your images will be seen by a huge global audience and you'll get some constructive feedback from people who's opinions you can respect.

So - give it a go! It costs nothing and is a great opportunity to improve your work and get a reputation.

Now for part 2…

I'd love to see some of your work! Why not open yourself an account and leave me a comment posting below with a link to your page? I'm sure other readers would be just as interested in what you're shooting. Alternatively - have a look at my page - - and leave a comment there (be sure to mark it (blog reader) so I know it's one of you).

Any subject - any camera - show me your best stuff! The gauntlet's thrown down - I'm bracing myself to be blown away!

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